Version 1.1
RELEASED and CERTIFIED! General availability January 2025.
Focus on a few useful features and couple things for making your column charts nicer 🙂
- Chart types – stacked, clustered and nested types of charts at your disposal
- Difference types – ability to compare either column totals or specific data values when legend is applied
- Totals for clustered chart – you can use both data values for individual columns and totals for all columns in one cluster
Look & Feel
- Icons – you can choose from multiple icons to illustrate your data in columns with formatting options like background shape, size, color, … *)
- Column corners rounding – select from 3 sizes of rounding and full cirle rounding
- Animations – slow or fast animations and completely without animations
- Column gradient background + shadows and transparency
- Other – columns spacing for cluster chart, difference line start/end indentation (distance) from column
Bug fixing
- Better handling of values with specific formatting (currency, etc.)
- Visual now interacts (filters) with others on the page per default
*) We are using Phosphor Icons set, which is a free project. Thus, you can use the icons not only in our Column chart, but elsewhere in your reports to achieve unified look.
Version 1.0
RELEASED! Certified by Microsoft. General availability October 2024.
New features
- Difference lines – configurable lines to clearly show compared columns
- Values – show difference in percentage or absolute values or both
- Shapes – you can choose from rectangle, circle or ellipse with configurable positioning
- Positive/negative difference – distinguish differences with colors and symbols to be readily idetifiable by users
- Series labels – use changing labels for Axis X, e.g. when you use calendar months for column names
- Series formatting – format data and total labels per category (legend)
- And other formatting – thousand and decimal separator, interaction with other visuals, empty data screen, …
Additional Info
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